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Special Tip Detail

Special Tip Detail

Guest Information Center
"María" Selen Özgün Guest Information Center Agent

Changing Money

Changing Money

Here is a touristic town where you can spend American Dollars or Euros.

You can change any kind of currency at the Exchange Bureau right after the Customs and Guest Information Center.

You can use the ATM machine at the main entrance for: cash withdraw or Money Exchange without having an account.

Easy Gifts

Easy Gifts

I would suggest you to buy many magnets and Turkish Delights or Baklava in boxes. As many people expect gifts back in home, these would be the best options.





You should taste “Midye Dolma” –stuffed mussels—with some lemon juice drops on it. You can taste it in the fish restaurant the port’s shopping area, Scala Nuova Village.

Best Photo Shots

Best Photo Shots

For the best view of the town and photos of your Turkey visit, i will suggest you to visit 2 different spots.

The first one is Atatürk Statue on top of the hill.

The second one is infront of the Public Hospital in Gazibeğendi. You would get the best shots.



Middle Eastern cultures are famous for haggling, the custom of arguing over a price before agreeing on the final amount. True, it’s much more work than buying items at fixed prices. But, when in Turkey, do as the Turkish do.